Monday, May 12, 2014

That Awkward Moment When...

... you haven't blogged for like a month and suddenly you find you've been nominated for the same award by two people and you are so entirely charmed but you don't know if you can meet the requirement so... you do your best anyway. Challenge accepted!

The award was the Liebster award! I was nominated by the lovely Julia from and Margaret from (I should really learn how to tag people. HELP!) And whereas I don't exactly know another nine bloggers, I'm new to this world, I will do the best I can!


My friend Monica from check her out, she's really cool!

My friend Rhian De Questa from

And uhhh... no tagbacks? Darn.

Well, anyway, I will still answer the questions!

First, I must list... 11 facts about myself.

Now I will answer Julia's questions.

1. If you were a demigod from the Percy Jackson series, who would you be the child of and why (If you haven't read it, just Google a quiz. There are tons)?
Well, I've never read Percy Jackson, there are a couple things I know about it that sort of wrecked the series for me-- especially in the second part.... series... thing-- but my favorite god from Greek myth has always been Athena. She's very wise, but also very much a woman.

2. Would you rather date Khan from Star Trek: Into Darkness or Voldemort, from Harry Potter (BWAHAHA good luck with this one)?
Khan. Khan. Khan. Khan. Khan. Khan. Khan.

3. What's your favorite Shakespeare play?
I'd say Macbeth or Hamlet. A lot of action and some really deep thought going on.

4. What fictional character do you most relate to?
There are actually very few characters who have ever reminded me of myself. There are traits of myself scattered all over fictional history. I've been told that I'm like Marion from Raiders of the Lost Ark and I have Belle's bookishness from Beauty and the Beast but Merida's boldness from Brave. I look like Esmeralda from Disney's Hunchback of Notre Dame, but my temper resembles Colette's from Ratatouille and I really felt Elinor Dashwood's pain when Marianne was sick. I also really sympathize with both James H. Braddock and Joe Gould from Cinderella Man. So... yeah. It's pretty difficult to place me.

5. Which do you prefer, skirts or dresses?
Dresses when I can get 'em!

6. What's your favorite motivational song?
Bon Jovi's Livin' On A Prayer.

7. Do you prefer a Kindle or a book?
Book. Undoubtedly.

8. Do you think #7 is a big deal?
Yeah. I mean, it could be just a personal preference, but a family friend's bookstore closed and I think it was due to the rise of virtual reading.

9. Would you rather turn into a turtle for a month or a panda?
A panda. Pandas are wonderful.

10. Do you prefer C. S. Lewis or J. R. R. Tolkien?
For an easy read, C.S. Lewis, light and fun. If I'm looking for profundity and enlightenment and sheer epicness, J. R. R. Tolkien all the way. I can't read him too often though otherwise I get a hangover of emotion for like a week.

11. Do you prefer drawing or writing?
I don't believe the two are entirely separate. I'm definitely better at writing, but sometimes I like to express what I feel about my writing through art and I like to draw my characters.

And now I will answer Margaret's!

1. Favourite author? 
J. R. R. Tolkien. Forever and ever.

2. Cravats or bowties?

3. Have you been to a foreign country? If so, which one(s)?
Noooooooo isn't that awful? I need to go to Italy someday.

4. Quote something off the top of your head.
"I will make this easy to remember-- keep your station clear-- OR I WILL KILL YOU." (Probably since I was just cleaning the kitchen. Probably because my siblings hear this about a dozen times a day.)

5. Broadway or Hollywood?
Eh.... Hollywood. I just haven't seen enough of Broadway and the tickets are... SO expensive. Besides, there's a subtlety to movies that is often lost in plays, as awesome as they are.

6. Do you like sushi?
Never tried it! I've always been a bit turned off by the fact that it's raw fish.

7.Thoughts on floor lamps?
Sure! Why not?

8. Do you enjoy chick flicks? (be honest;P)
Depends. I like certain chick flicks. But on the whole, the genre isn't very... me. So many are really clicky. I think the clickiest I'll go is Letters to Juliet, and that's pushing it... especially the ending. I like Steel Magnolias and Leap Year and Return to Me-- those fall under my category.

9. What is a hobby from your childhood you still retain?
Writing and drawing. And basically everything else.

10. Does a PT6A have a multi-stage compressor?
Uhhhhh non parlo Inglese.

11. Beards or no beards?
Usually, no, but there are exceptions. Like Chris Hemsworth.

Alright, now I get to issue eleven questions. MWAHAHAHA

1. Favorite childhood TV series? (If you watched TV. We didn't, but we still had a few shows.)
2. Favorite piece of clothing?
3. Which Disney princess do you most resemble?
4. If you were any character in a book, who would you choose to be?
5. If you write, (which everyone I know in the blog world does) which of your characters is the most like you?
6. What villain scared you the most as a child? (And possibly still now?)
7. What one style function do you wish could make a comeback?
8. Coffee or tea?
9. If you could speak any other language in the world, what would it be?
10. Favorite accent?
11. The ultimate question... now think hard, this is important. Everything you believe in rides on this answer. Use the Force, Luke. Good luck. Only you can decide...


Cake... or DEATH?

Anyone else who'd like to answer these questions is welcome to try!

God bless!


  1. Strangely enough, everyone has picked Khan for #2. ;) Benedict Cumberbatch probably helped with that.

  2. I had to do this. :)

    1. Favorite childhood TV series? (If you watched TV. We didn't, but we still had a few shows.)

    I would have to say Gilligan's Island was and still is my favorite. It never gets old.

    2. Favorite piece of clothing?

    This may sound weird but my pajama pants. They are the best piece of clothing I own.

    3. Which Disney princess do you most resemble?

    Visually I look most like Belle though that's stretching it (I have curly hair like Merida, but not quite as crazy as hers!)

    4. If you were any character in a book, who would you choose to be?

    Oh my gosh that is sooo hard! Um... I'm going to go with Hermoine from Harry Potter (it's my newest obsession).

    5. If you write, (which everyone I know in the blog world does) which of your characters is the most like you?

    Probably my character Nora Conley. She and I both share a love in history and adventure but can sorta be wimps at times.

    6. What villain scared you the most as a child? (And possibly still now?)

    As a very young child Cruella Deville scared me. I'm not really sure what villain scares me now...

    7. What one style function do you wish could make a comeback?

    I'm not really sure (yeah, that was a lame answer :P)

    8. Coffee or tea?

    Tea? I'm not a fan of either, but I really don't like coffee so I'll go with tea. :)

    9. If you could speak any other language in the world, what would it be?

    Scottish Gaelic

    10. Favorite accent?

    Scottish (though I love Australian and British).

    11. The ultimate question... now think hard, this is important. Everything you believe in rides on this answer. Use the Force, Luke. Good luck. Only you can decide...

